Monday, October 27, 2014

Fall renovation update

There have been big changes in Greenley Library since August. The 2nd floor has been gutted, framed, and is being (noisily) worked on as we speak.

2nd floor

 In October, the first floor has also seen big changes, as most of the furniture, computers, and the old reference stacks were removed to ready the space for the next phase of renovation.  A temporary wall was built around the upper stairs so work can be safely done overhead.

Greenley Library is open during all this work, but for those who seek a quiet place to study during construction hours, Knapp Hall's old cafeteria is still available.  All of the computers and printers have been moved to the lower level basement in the Library.  When work begins on the main floor the Reference Librarians will move to the basement to provide services there.

Librarians will be available for assistance throughout--somewhere!!

The stairs leading to the basement, with temp wall.
The reference stacks, shortly before they were removed. 

With reference stacks removed, the back of the main floor becomes an open space just waiting for our new computers. The brown stripes are the old carpeting that has been under the reference stacks for 40 years. Ref stacks will be relocated along the perimeter of the main floor, allowing for an open view from the entrance to the windows.
temporary wall
Computers temporarily moved to basement.

There are still 2 printers available.