Thursday, June 5, 2014

Tear down the wall

Removal and demo continue on the 2nd floor in preparation for renovation. On the main floor, the reference stacks are being emptied by helpful student employees. All reference books will be available by request during renovation.

Some of our reference stacks. Future home of 30 computers and expansive views out our windows. Reference books will be housed along the outer walls of the main floor and on low-profile shelves.

 We realize that demolition is just as noisy as reno, so we are in the process of setting up a quiet study space in another building. As soon as it is available (possibly as soon as next week) we will make an announcement and post signs directing solitude-seeking summer students to the quiet study space. 

We will keep any chairs in good condition for the basement level, which will be a quiet study space after renovation.

carpet removed

study room demo